Border to Border Posse Ride '21 The Long Way Home +2-3
Day two of the trip home was going by Devils Tower. This was on my list to see! Not researching or knowing anything more than it looked cool, it didn't disappoint either! We even saw rock climbers! At Devils Tower, there was another boulder field which Zak and I climbed on with air this time. Somewhere during this excursion, I managed to hurt my back. I believe it was from carrying the camera and camera bag. As irritated as I am over it, I'm glad it waited until the trip home! From here we left the park and the phone service messed up and I turned left at a light and quickly went I don't think this is the right place. I pulled over in a driveway and we pulled out the map. Locating ourselves and figuring out where we needed to be I put it in gear checked my mirrors and noticed Highway Patrol getting out of his car. I rolled down the window to him saying we don't allow parking here, it is clearly marked. I looked up and see a sign on the side of the road. To which I repl...