
Showing posts from March, 2019

Albuquerque for work

This is going to be a rant about a hotel, but am sitting here at 1:40 AM still awake from about an hour ago someone trying to get into my room. At 12:52 AM I was abruptly awoken to the sound of the hotel room door being slammed against the security lock. As they closed and tried again, this time poking their fingers through trying to move the security lock to gain entry. I quickly turned on the light and said: "Is there something I can help you with?" The response was "This is my room." I called down to the Front Desk and stated someone is trying to get into my room, they said they were just checked in to it. They apologized and said it was supposed to be the room next door. I hung up with them, turned my lights off and laid back down. Maybe 1 minute later my phone rings and the person on the other end says "Who is this?" I try to be an understanding guy and I know mistakes can happen. But I find it hard to believe that the computer system is glitching or ...

March Chapter Meeting

The rain has past and is supposed to be a decent weekend, just a little on the cool side. The low for Friday night was supposed to be 38°, completely ridable. However, waking up to Karlee crying about 4 this morning, I checked and it was 34°. By the time morning came around it had dropped a little more. I'm going to still try it! I rode and it was worth it to get on the bike and see a great group of people! Everyone was ready for the St Patty's Day Parade!

The rain has subsided!

It's March 14th and between the rain and the cold, I think I have been on my bike twice this year. I decided since it was going to be about 65° and sunny I was taking it to work. Since it has been quite a while, I felt like a new rider. I was putting on gear and forgetting the order, and having to take it back off to add a piece. Started with the gloves and didn't have the helmet on. Next about to get on the bike and didn't have chaps, it was not very cold, but it was very wet still. About 10 minutes later I was dressed and ready! As I headed down the driveway I went to cross from the right rut to the center to ease the transition to the road, did I mention it was wet out? Huge mistake, as the front tire hit the soggy ground and the back followed, it broke loose. The front was headed towards the left culvert and the rear to the right. Easing on the throttle, sarcasm with this pucker factor, the back fell back in line just as I came upon the pavement. It is times like this I...

Albuquerque, NM

The final week of BLC I was called and told I was going to be traveling to Albuquerque, NM, the next week. I was given the opportunity to spend 2 days with the family and traveling Monday. The sunsets and sunrises were not disappointing with the Rocky backdrop! I even managed to find a Harley store for my Poker Chip Collection! The flight down had some nice views of the clouds as well. Clouds appeared to be laying on the ground. abandoned roads, like a neighborhood with no houses

BLC the final days

Got busy the last couple of days so this is about a week late. Day 16 Today our Informative Essays were due. I had already turned mine in days in advance scoring 91%. Also due was a public speech on the essay. This was my incentive to finalize the essay. I had finished the public speech shortly after the essay, it was fresh on my mind and left me plenty of time to commit the speech to memory. After reading through the grading rubric, it was going to be difficult to fail! We started the morning with speeches and ready to get it out of the way I went second. During my rehearsals, I was coming in around 7 minutes, about a minute short of the minimum of 8 minutes. The time constraints were only worth 5 points out of a possible 100. Prior to the first speech of the day, our facilitator said if you gave a good brief, touching on all your information, time wasn't going to hurt you unless you went drastically over the 12-minute maximum. After watching the first person go and th...