The rain has subsided!

It's March 14th and between the rain and the cold, I think I have been on my bike twice this year. I decided since it was going to be about 65° and sunny I was taking it to work. Since it has been quite a while, I felt like a new rider. I was putting on gear and forgetting the order, and having to take it back off to add a piece. Started with the gloves and didn't have the helmet on. Next about to get on the bike and didn't have chaps, it was not very cold, but it was very wet still. About 10 minutes later I was dressed and ready! As I headed down the driveway I went to cross from the right rut to the center to ease the transition to the road, did I mention it was wet out? Huge mistake, as the front tire hit the soggy ground and the back followed, it broke loose. The front was headed towards the left culvert and the rear to the right. Easing on the throttle, sarcasm with this pucker factor, the back fell back in line just as I came upon the pavement. It is times like this I forget how much power a 103 cu in Harley has.

I am not a fan of riding in the rain or on wet roads, and I'm not really sure if it is me, the bike, or a combination of both when taking a corner on a wet road. I know I become rigid despite my efforts. And I slow down considerably when entering a turn, but as soon as I start the turn/lean I have the feeling of slipping or the imagination of slipping. I feel like quite the noob here as the bike is abruptly leaned and straightened as I take each and every turn.

The ride home was perfect as expected, dry, sunny, and warm. I played with cornering while dry and it is mostly the bike not wanting to turn when upright. Going to have to find a happy medium!


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