
Nothing like traveling for work and getting to do actual work. I came onsite interested to get some hands on with the servers and software they were training me for, however it is just crashing down on me. Went to a school for VMware View, this is a server that manages virtual machines in a thin client 
LAN. I'm falling in on someone that has set it up, trying to read notes and get up to speed on what he has been doing and where he is at with the process, very frustrating.

I for one am note used to working with a team, especially a team that isn't familiar. In a huge project I could imagine it would be broken into smaller tasks for each individual or have a collaborated task working closely together. I have had neither! I am currently trying to juggle three different server builds and designs, two if which are in the build phase. Working on one by myself I have designed it to the best of my knowledge and I can completely wrap my head around the entire network. This project however was planned about a year ago and change by multiple people and then thrown back at me. I get questions regarding the build that I have no freaking clue as to how to answer them. 

So the first week with this team I have been watching over the shoulders trying to grasp it all. We finally were getting somewhere yesterday and it was time to go for the day, and the guy I have been working with is off. Now I am trying to take his notes, make sense of them, and continue forward with the project. I just feel like the new kid in a class that has been going one for a month, trying to catch up and grasp the concepts. 

I mentioned earlier about going to school for this, it was a one week class on version 5.1. The software I am working on is 5.5. The best comparison I could give is going from XP or Windows 7 to Windows 8. Everything is about the same however they have hidden things in locations you can't find. With any luck I can move forward without taking a flying leap with a post-it note flying machine crafted in my spare time!


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