Start of a new week

So with the trip for work last week being a complete waste I'm still here this week. Today I left with everything in its original working order. I know I have issues working with others and I think I try, sometimes... With the difficulty of working with others comes another issue not trusting anything anyone does because it can't be right. 

So finishing up last week we were told that if we couldn't just get it running to reload and start from scratch...I was ready for this Wednesday. So three days of wanting to move forward I just had to sit there a doodle because XP isn't compatible with VMware 5.5. So starting out this week I received a Win 7 and quickly started troubleshooting not knowing if we were going to move forward with the reload. After digging through the logs I was informed that everything was ready for the new server and I could start the install...however no software could be found. Going back to the logs I stumbled upon a SQL issue. Following the rabbit hole I came to a KB from VM stating that the SQL transaction log is possibly exceeded its size and there were issues writing to it. Logging into the SQL server for more information we noticed (we, I had gotten someone else's attention at this point) it was extremely sluggish. Reviewing the resources via vSphere, it was doing nothing. It finally came to the log in screen. Low and behold C: was full. Promptly did a shut down, extended the volume, and powered on. Much better vSphere Web Client started responding, allowing for web login and managing ESXi. 

Returning the VMware View I was still experiencing what appeared to be either DNS or DHCP issues. Half the clones would provision without issue and half would error out with connection issues, missing its IP. This oddity perked my coworker's attention again. Part of a load balancing if network that an ESXi can do is kind if round robin the network cards. Pin pointing which 2 were assigned to the VM's were easy and we went and physically unplugged one and reprovisioned our View Clones. Like magic everyone of the clones was provisioning properly with IP Addresses. Asking what happened, was similar to asking a young child how the milk got spilled. Never quite got out why, but the network cables were moved around without reconfiguring the switch or ESXi host for the proper VLAN. 

So today brought everything back to working order, like it was 2 weeks ago prior to my arrival. Now I just need to remember what my original trip intentions were...


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