Day Two/Three of Hood

Today's activity involve putting up smaller tents. With high tension between everyone with an opinion for how to put these tents up it made for a difficult task. Our group of about 5 people branched off and started with our tent while the remaining 15 started on another. 

After our tent was standing we look over at the other team and it also is standing however there are parts missing and there is a descution of how it needed to turn. Laughing a little to ourselves we drive on and move to the next part of the set up and again after finalizing this portion we check on the others.

They have brought their tent down and put on the missing pieces and have it back up but are still discussing the position. 

We finalize our tent and are watching and get asked to quit sitting around and come help. A comment from us that they had more than enough people was not accepted with kind looks. One of our teammates has gone over, looked at the status and gave an opinion of the next course of action and was quickly meet with an arguing force. After politely hearing them out, he returned to our group. 

Shortly after this they are satisfied with the placement and outcome of the work and decide it is time to break for lunch.  Upon returning however we are meet with poor weather and call it a day. Tomorrow has plans of an early day!

After the relaxed evening and watching the Hogs stomp Old Miss everyone was reluctant to return in the morning. 

However 0700 everyone is up and ready, as can be, by the vehicles. After movement we are back on location with one large and two mediums stood up and still in place after the weather. 

Today's task is to get the double medium up. With setting up a double it requires more people to be in place but also requires coordination. But we are ready to go. This went up surprisingly easy and fast. After the hard part was done and all that was left was the finishing touches we split up deciding that we worked better in a separate group, we head off to another tent. 

All in all today went much better than the two previous ones. Finishing up with 6 mediums before lunch. After returning for lunch it was back to the indecision and arguing. With our task to get the network infrastructure in place we need to find our equipment. This took unpacking a trailer because ours was at the front. After getting our equipment out we need to know how the layout is going to be...the previous 6 years with the same layout wasn't going to work this time, we need something new, something better. This started the discussions and about 3 hours later we have one. I am not entirely sure why it took about 3 hours to decide the layout of 12 tables and 3 projectors but it is set and with not hope of getting home a day early we leave for the night. No use staying and getting ahead to be stuck here another day. 

However we have a layout and a plan of action and I still have hope that maybe, just maybe it will go faster than they thought and travel Tuesday will be an option.   


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