BLC Day 2

This morning I was awoken to nature calling about 0130. Not a big deal normally, however after starting at my eyelids for about 30 minutes I have a feeling it is going to be a long day. It is going to be a PT test. That on itself I'm not really worried about, the expected 37°, on the other hand, does have me a little concerned.

As I continued to lay in my silence the first screeching locker was opened a 0255, only to be followed by an alarm at 0300. Over the next 30 minutes, a hand full of other lockers broke the silence. Also during this time, the barracks fan was turned off. For anyone that has never been around these fans, the best description I could give you is standing on an open airfield with a small single wing plane pending take off. As the fan throttled down a deafening silence came upon my ears as the adjusted to the new sounds. These sounds are similar to the whales echoing back and forth but with grunts. Yes, the symphony of snoring that was once masked by the fan is now loud and proud.
This morning like the last has started off with an unnecessary early awakening of lockers and flashlights. The time is now 0330 and other than the sound of the showers snoring is prevailing once more. Only one more hour till report time, to once again be in PTs only this time we are merely crossing the courtyard to the PT field.

I have to say there is nothing like waking up and feeling rested and ready to go. I, on the other hand, must be getting old because what little bit of sleep I did get left me feeling sore. Not quite sure what other explanation there is.

Once 0400 rolled around an alarm went off for someone to wake up. A comment was made how would get up this late?! Over half the platoon raised their hand. The time is now 0412 and we have all stood in the middle of the room ready and staring at each other as if to say what now.
After cadre showed up at 0445, yeah about 30 minutes hanging out, but up and wait! We started off with some PRT, warm-up drills. We headed over to the grading location next.

I know a lot about a lot of different things, and I have seen many different things in my experience. However, I have never seen a track, that makes a circle go up the hill the entire time! I believe this is geographically impossible, but they have done here at Camp Shelby, MS. But in all honesty start to 1/2 mile was uphill. For about. The next 1/8 it appears to level off, only to start going back up. Regardless I passed!

Next off to breakfast and cleaning up to start a day of debates and discussions. It is really beginning to sink in that this is a debate class with essay homework. My first paper is due in just 4 days.  Starting to think about this is already turning my stomach. As my wife can attest very little gets me upset, worked up, or stressed, but this does. Not once has anyone yelled, demanded something is done with haste, and other than telling a story, haven't even elevated their voice. This is showing my Army time for sure.


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