BLC Day 10-14
Day 10
Started off with an in-class compare and contrast essay (250-750 word count). I was quite proud of myself. I managed to hit exactly 250 words!Day 11
Today was the makeup PT Tests. Our squads had 3 that had previously failed, all successfully passed. That was a good day, didn't have to see anyone that I had befriended get sent home. I did, however, see one Soldier with their head hanging low while walking back from chow. I overheard some of his squad asking, and he did not pass. To make it 11 days into a 21-day course and not pass the PT test just sucks! We finished off the day with the internet to the building going down. Since the class is built around BlackBoard, it made for a long afternoon.Day 12
Continuing our long afternoon, from the previous day with no internet, day 12 started with the same issue. It was not until after lunch that the internet was restored. We have made it to the next phase of the course and are released from the confines of the post. We are able to now leave for dinner. I myself did not partake in the excursion, instead went to the All Ranks Club, a bar style environment with some nice WiFi and food. Having already used up my tethering data and being limited to 256kb I had to find alternatives. This establishment was the perfect place, I took my laptop up and was able to download a couple of movies for some later viewing.
Day 13
With the internet being down we were not able to do the mid-course evals. Since the internet had been restored this was our priority this morning. From my initial assessment of 9, I jumped up to an 11 out of 12. Needing to still work on the Development portion of leadership attributes described on Day 5-9 post. There were a few other individuals that scored 11 and only 1 that I know of scoring a perfect 12. This guy is quite the overachiever, and I was truly expecting it.
Day 14
Not much happened today, other than class. I did, however, receive my score from my earlier submission of the Informative Essay, 90%. I am more than happy with this grade and makes me feel better about the upcoming Public Speaking brief on the topic, Saturday.
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